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French Press Brew Guide: The Perfect Method and Tips

coffee brew guide

coffee – water ratio

1:15 – 1:16

coffee amount


water amt and tem

450-960g   |   95°C

grind size

 Medium-coarse consistency, 800-1000 microns, not super coarse

brew time

4-9 mins

Aiming for exceptional french press coffee with a delicious flavor and no sediment, patience is essential; this method is not quick, but the results are rewarding. If you’re in a rush, you can shorten the waiting period to speed up the process.

French Press Topics

The Perfect Method

Quantity and Precision:

Begin with a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:15 – 1:16. Utilize digital weighing scales for precise measurements and consistency.


Grinding and Water Temperature:

Ignore conventional advice; grind the coffee to a medium-coarse consistency, not super coarse. Before adding the ground coffee, rinse the French press with hot water. Then, pour the right amount of 95°C water over the ground coffee in the french press.


Brewing Process for 4 minutes:

Let the coffee sit for four minutes; patience is key during this phase. After 4 minutes of brewing, use tablespoons to stir the formed crust, then remove foam and floating bits.


Waiting Period for 5 minutes:

Do nothing for about 5 minutes after stirring; the longer it sits, the better it will taste. Floating bits settle to the bottom during this time, creating a clearer coffee.


Plunging and Pouring:

When inserting the plunger, avoid plunging all the way to prevent stirring up sediment. Plunger can serve as a strainer if necessary; gently pour the coffee into a cup.

Important Tips

Water Quality in Coffee Brewing

Water quality is crucial for coffee brewing. Using fresh, clean, and soft water improves the overall taste of your coffee. Avoid using hard or unfiltered water; if the water doesn’t taste good by itself, it won’t make great coffee.

Freshness of Coffee Beans and Medium-Coarse grind size

For optimal flavor extraction, it’s essential to use freshly roasted and ground coffee. Grinding the 80 Cup coffee just before brewing ensures that all the flavors are fully extracted and vibrant. Grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Grinding finer produces more body but can also lead to potential bitterness, while grinding coarser may result in under-extraction and insufficient body. 

Water Temperature and Equipment Preheating

I’ve found that a temperature of 95°C works best for French press coffee. This temperature avoids bitterness and ensures a good extraction of flavors from the coffee grounds. Before adding the ground coffee, I always rinse the French press with hot water.

Temperature Tip Without a Thermometer

If you don’t have a thermometer on hand, here are two simple tricks to achieve approximately 95°C water: Boil 1 liter of water, then mix in 65ml of room temperature water. Or wait for 2 minutes to cool down. 


For more brew methods: Coffee Brew Guides

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