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Moka Pot Brew: Constants and Heating Technique

coffee brew guide

coffee – water ratio

1:10 – 1:12

coffee amount


water amt and tem

200-240g   |   100°C

grind size

Medium-fine grind, 400-600 microns, resembling table salt

brew time

2-3 mins

Moka pot is a versatile brewer, but it can be tricky. I’ll share some constants—things to do for every brew—as well as a few variables you can tweak to enhance your results. Just following the constants will improve your brew. I encourage you to explore different 80 Cup coffee origins with a Moka Pot. Each origin offers a unique taste experience.

Moka Pot Topics

Constants for brewing with a Moka Pot

  1. Fill the base of the moka pot with boiling water to reduce brew time and bitterness.
  2. Use a full basket of coffee grounds.
  3. Fill the water in the boiler just below the valve.
  4. Grind the coffee to a medium-fine consistency, coarser than espresso but finer than pour-over, resembling table salt.
  5. Avoid sputtering
Optional Preparations:
  • If available, use a needle distribution tool for even distribution.
  • Consider placing an AeroPress paper filter for extra filtration.

Heating Technique and Sputtering

Heating Technique:
  • Use a low flame, below half power, to gently heat the water.
  • For electric stovetops, preheat before brewing.
  • When the liquid starts flowing into the top chamber, reduce the heat source to the lowest setting to ensure a slow flow.
Avoiding Sputtering:
  • Keep the lid open during brewing.
  • Watch for any sputtering sounds towards the end of brewing. If it happens, rinse the pot under cold water to cool it down.
  • Continued sputtering can result in a very bitter taste in the coffee.

Sometimes, I enjoy diluting my coffee by adding either frothed milk or hot water, similar to espresso-based coffees.

I always avoid using soap and dishwashers for cleaning to keep my moka pot in top condition and prevent any soapy taste.


For more brew methods: Coffee Brew Guides

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